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Great Choice!

Now you can upgrade the size of your artwork!

Drag Left and Right to see the difference

Limited Time Offer!

They Look Much better when bigger!

The art print you’ve chosen is 10 x 13 inches – pictured on the left.

To appreciate the incredible detail in my artwork, my prints always look better when a little bigger.

I sell my larger 16 x 20 in prints for $170 each on my main website.

But here, only on this page, you can grab one for just $75.

This saves you a huge  $95.

Save $95 by upgrading size

I am only offering them at this price for a limited time and only on this page for anyone who opted for a free print.

No I don't want to upgrade the size of the artwork

Proceed to the cart with the artwork you choose (10 x 13 in) $23.99

Yes, I'm In. Upgrade the size for just $75

Upgrade to  (15 x 20 in) only $75!!!

This is the current size added to your cart

Small size

This is the bigger size 15 x 20 in

Today only $75 instead of $170

Compare the sizes

The collection is rich in details and textures. The bigger size can render them much better.

Today only the bigger size is $75 instead of $170.

  • Easier to fit
  • More details
  • Save almost $100

It’s worth you knowing too. that taking me up on this incredible offer will also help support me as an independent artist 🙂

Keep the size you chose [ Small size of the print ]

Proceed to the cart with the artwork you choose (10 x 13 in) $23.99

Upgrade to a larger size of the artwork (only $75)

Upgrade to  (15 x 20 in) only $75!!!